Explore the foundational principles and governing rules that define our organization’s structure and operations in the AAP Bylaws, the cornerstone of our commitment to transparency and effective governance.


The name of this Association is the Association of Alcoholism/Addiction Programs of Washington State.



Objectives and Purpose


The purposes and objectives of this Association are:
Section 1
To constitute an organization of alcoholism and other drug addiction programs which are approved by the State of Washington.
Section 2
(a) To provide the means by which alcoholism and other drug addiction programs may enhance the effectiveness of their work.
(b) To support the ongoing development of the administration of programs treatment, information, referral, and others that assist the alcoholic and other drug addicted person, the family, and others who are effected by the illness of alcoholism and other drug addiction.
(c) To effect an environment which promotes cohesiveness, openness, candidness, discretion, commitment, and trust within the Association.
(d) To effect, develop, and practice a process which nurtures both personal and professional growth for alcoholism and other drug addiction program directors.
(e) To effect an environment of communication where program directors can share mutual concerns and problems, and take appropriate action when necessary.



Section 1
There shall be two classes of members in the association:
(1) Organizational, voting members, and
(2) Individual, non-voting members.
Section 2
Organizational, voting membership may be granted to organizations that meet the following criteria:
(a) Organizational members of the Association shall be those organizations which conduct alcoholism and other drug addiction programs which are approved by the State of Washington, which chose to be members, and which meet all the requirements of membership set forth in these bylaws.
(b) Organizational membership requires that the governing body of the alcoholism and/or other drug addiction organization shall apply for membership in this Association, and shall indicate its intention of meeting the requirements of membership.
(c) The chief executive officer shall be the designated voting representative for each member organization. In the absence of the chief executive officer, that person shall inform the Association office, in advance, of its specifically designated voting representative.
(d) In all its deliberations, each organizational member shall have one vote, which shall be cast by its designated representative or alternative representative.
Section 3
Individual, non-voting membership may be granted to individuals who meet the following criteria:
(a) The applicant does not represent a State of Washington approved facility.
(b) The applicant must be recommended for membership by the Membership and Finance Committee and must receive approval of the Association at a regular membership meeting.
(c) Individual members may be employed by organizational members but will not have the benefits and privileges of organizational membership.
Section 4
Upon receipt of all applications, the Membership Committee will review the application and request feedback from at least three current Association members on the applicant before making a recommendation to the general membership.
Section 5
All voting and non-voting members agree to abide by the Code of Ethics as adopted and modified by the membership and shall sign the Code of Ethics upon application for membership.
(a) Violations of the Code of Ethics shall be reported in writing to the President, who shall submit the allegations to the Professional Resources Committee for review.
(b) The Professional Resources Committee shall, within 60 days from receipt of the allegations, thoroughly investigate the matter, seek testimony and/or information from all concerned, and shall make one or more of the following recommendations:
(i) dismissal of the allegations
(ii) censure of the member agency
(iii) suspension of the member agency
(iv) expulsion of the member agency
(c)The findings shall be reviewed by the Executive Committee and reported to the full membership at the first available regular meeting for final determination. The decision shall be considered public knowledge but the specifics shall be confidential to member agencies.
Section 6
The Association reserves the right to refuse membership to any organization or individual.
Section 7
Membership is contingent upon up-to-date payment of membership dues.



Section 1
Meetings of the Association shall normally be held monthly.
Section 2
There shall be an annual meeting of the Association at approximately the same time each year, the time to be set by the membership. There shall be at least thirty (30) days notice of the annual meeting.
Section 3
Special meetings may be called by the President or the Executive Committee. The President may call a special meeting when requested in writing by at least thirty percent of the members of the Association. There shall be at least ten (10) days notice of special meetings.
Section 4
A quorum shall be twenty (20) percent of the organizational members of the Association. A quorum shall be required in order to do business at any and all meetings of the Association



Section 1
The officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice-president, and Secretary/Treasurer. Only the designated voting representative of members may serve as officers.
Section 2
Should the office of President become vacant, the Vice-president shall succeed immediately to the office and fulfill the unexpired term.
Section 3
Duties of Officers:
(a) The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee. The President shall appoint the chairpersons of all standing committees. The President shall establish whatever committees may be required from time to time to accomplish the work of the Association. The President shall appoint the members and chairpersons of each committee, except in those circumstances described in Article VI, Section6. The President and Vice President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee, and shall see to it that all committee chairpersons report to the President. The President shall be one of the authorized signatories of all contracts and agreements approved by the Association.
(b) The Vice-president shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President, or if any vacancy in that office occurs, and shall undertake such other responsibilities as the Association may assign.
(c) The Secretary shall maintain a record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Association. The Secretary shall be responsible for sending notices of the Annual Meeting to all members of the Association at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. Minutes of all meetings shall be forwarded to the Executive Director for mailing to all members.
(d) The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining the financial records of the Association.
Section 4
All officers, at the expiration of the terms of office, shall turn over to their successors all monies, property, papers, records, and books of the Association that may be in their possession.
Section 5
Officers shall be elected by ballot to serve for one year or until their successors are elected. Their terms of office shall begin at the close of the Annual Meeting at which they are elected. No members shall hold more than one office at one time and no member shall be eligible to serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.
Section 6
An officer or member may be removed from office or membership for just cause after a hearing by a majority of the members present; provided the notice of such contemplated action has been sent to the members to be removed at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which the hearing is held.
Section 7
An Ad Hoc Nominating Committee of not less than three (3) members shall be appointed each year by the Association to submit a slate of officers to the membership at least thirty (30) days in advance of the Annual Meeting. No person shall serve on the Nominating Committee for two consecutive years. Before the election at the Annual Meeting, additional nominations from the floor shall be accepted.



Only the designated voting representatives of members may serve as committee members.

Section 1
An Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers, the immediate past president, and the chairpersons of the standing and Ad Hoc committees. The Executive Committee, which is chaired by the President, is responsible for the business and welfare of the Association in the interim between meetings of the Association. The Executive Committee shall act on behalf of the Association in all matters except those specified otherwise in these bylaws. All actions of the Executive Committee shall be reported to the membership at the next meeting of the Association for appropriate action by the Association. The Executive Committee shall conduct an annual performance evaluation of the Executive Director.
A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
Section 2
A membership and Finance Committee of not less than three (3) members shall be appointed by the President. The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of the committee. The committee will act upon all membership applications and questions of eligibility, and upon all matters that pertain to finance. The committee shall be amenable to the Executive Committee and the Association.
Section 3
Additional Ad Hoc committees, such as Legislative, Professional Resources, Health Care, may be created by the Association, the Executive Committee, or by the President as needed. Unless specified otherwise, in these bylaws or in action that creates the committee, the committee members and chairperson shall be named by the President.
Section 4
The Executive Committee, with approval of the membership, may hire an Executive Director, who shall be directly responsible to the Executive Committee.


Finance and Dues

Section 1
The amount of the dues shall be established from time to time by the Association, on recommendation of the Membership and Finance Committee.
Section 2
Dues shall be assessed on an annual basis and shall be due on July 1, the first day of the Association’s fiscal year. The Association, on recommendation of the Membership and Finance Committee, may establish a policy for distributing payment of these dues over the year.
Section 3
The dues of members which join the Association in mid-year shall be pro-rated according to the proportion of the year which remains after joining.
Section 4
The fiscal year of the Association shall be July 1 through June 30.


Prohibition Against Discrimination

Section 1
The Association will not, on the grounds of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, creed, marital status, sexual orientation, age or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap:
(a) Refuse employment;
(b) Deny any individual membership in the Association;
(c) Subject any member of the Association to segregation;
(d) Deny any individual an opportunity to participate in any program provided by the Association;
 (e) Deny any member the opportunity to serve on any committee of the Association.


Parliamentary Authority

Section 1
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws, or any special Rules of Order the Association may adopt.


Dissolution of Assets

Section 1
In the event that the Association of Alcoholism/Addiction Programs of Washington State should dissolve, the assets of the Association may be given to a charitable organization, or dedicated to furthering causes compatible with the goals of the Association, subject to authority of the membership.



Section 1
Amendments to these Bylaws shall be by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Association present and voting. Amendments shall be proposed sixty (60) days prior to the meeting at which they are to be considered.

May 7, 1980;

Nov17, 1983;
Sept 21, 1984;
May 16, 1986;
May 15, 1987;
March 17, 1989;
July 20, 1990;
November 9, 1995;
July 20, 2001;
April 18, 2003.


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AAP meetings are held the third Friday of the month from 9:30am to noon, locations vary.


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